Easy Divorce Application Australia
Simple Separation takes care of your Joint Divorce Application from start to finish, at a fraction of the cost of legal fees. Our “Simple Divorce Australia” services ensure affordability and convenience.
Process is Simple - 3 Easy Steps
Our service goes beyond a Simple Divorce Australia DIY divorce app.
We offer customer support, solicitor-drafted documents, court attendance, and court filing, making divorce in Australia easy and stress-free.
Divorce Questionnaire
Simply fill out our divorce questionnaire and upload necessary documents. Our solicitor will carefully draft your application and promptly return it to you for review.
Print and sign
Upon confirmation of the draft application, you'll receive the finalised divorce application, ready for printing and signing. Ensure it's witnessed by a Justice of the Peace or an approved witness.
Filed in Court
We file your divorce application in court and notify you of the hearing date. Our solicitor represents you at the hearing. Your divorce order is ready 1 month and 1 day after the hearing.
Why Choose Simple Separation?
Your application will be carefully drafted and checked by a solicitor, avoiding any unnecessary delays.
You will avoid court queues as our solicitor attend divorce application hearings on your behalf.
Simple Separation keeps you updated every step of the way.
Fixed fees
You will not be charged for billable hours.
You are provided a fixed fee divorce, so there are no hidden fees.
*Please note a mandatory court filing fee applicable.
Simple Separation offers a complete divorce solution that is online, allowing it to be a more efficient and competitively-priced option than other solutions.
Price includes the solicitor to attend your divorce hearing on your behalf.
“A successful divorce if there ever was such a thing, is not about winning battles but instead about resolving differences.”
Divorce Solutions Available
Do It Yourself - inconvenient, confusing and takes longer. You will have to arrange your own process server, affidavits, court filing, attend court hearings, etc No charge, except the mandatory court filing fee of $1100 applies.
Simple Separation Divorce Application Service - a total divorce solution that is convenient, affordable and quick. Price is $1399 for a fixed fee JOINT divorce application + court filing fee.
Solicitors - convenient but most expensive option. Solicitors provide the same service as a Divorce Application service, except charge approx $2,000 - $3,000 + court filing fee.
Pricing Comparison
Here are some basic requirements when seeking to apply for a simple divorce application.
A Divorce does not equate to a property settlement.
In Australia, you have until 12 months from the date of your divorce to finalise your property settlement. Simple Separation recommends you deal with your property settlement first before getting a divorce. A divorce is only required at the ending of the relationship where a marriage has taken place. This marriage could be in Australia or overseas.
To be eligible for a divorce your marriage certificate will be required (if in a foreign language there will need to be a certificate of translation lodged with the documents).
If you are an Australian citizen or not, if you live in Australia and it is your intention to reside in Australia, that is a sufficient link to make your application for divorce in Australia, rather than the country of your marriage.
To be able to get divorced, you need to show that your marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’. This is demonstrated by being separated for 12 months or more, and there being no likelihood of the relationship resuming.
For more information, check out our FAQ’s below. For our recent Divorce Blog, click here.
If you and your partner can be civil, a Joint divorce application is recommended. The process involves the preparation of your Application for Divorce, ready for both parties of the marriage to sign. The team at Simple Separation work hard to ensure all the necessary questions are correctly answered. The divorce application with relevant documents are then lodged in Court, on your behalf.
If you and your partner are not able to cooperate well enough to file a joint divorce application, a SOLE divorce application is made. The process involves the preparation of your Application for Divorce, ready for the applicant to sign. The divorce application with relevant documents are then lodged in Court, on your behalf. Depending on your circumstances, a sole divorce application may require the need for Simple Separation to arrange a third party to serve the application on your former spouse.
You do not need to formally serve your spouse with your divorce application and you don’t need to attend the court hearing, even if there are children of the marriage under 18.
A sole divorce Application is a good option if your spouse does not agree to the divorce or refuses to cooperate with signing a Joint divorce application. Just as you don’t need two people to agree to end a relationship, you do not need your spouse’s agreement or consent to apply for a divorce. What it does mean, however, is that you will need to apply as a sole applicant.
If you have made a sole divorce application, and if there are children of the marriage or children from a prior relationship that reside with one of the parties and remain under the age of 18 years, you will need to attend court. At Simple Separation, our solicitor will attend the divorce hearing on your behalf.
In order to apply for a divorce, you will need to prove to the court you were legally married. If you can’t find your certificate, you should make an application to your local Births, Deaths and Marriages office to obtain another copy.
Item descriptionIn order to apply for a divorce in Australia, you must first be separated for at least 12 months and one day.
In addition, one of the parties must meet at least one of the following conditions;
You must regards Australia as your home and intend to live indefinitely in Australia
You must be an Australian citizen by birth or descent
You must be an Australian citizen by grant of citizenship
You must live in Australia and have done so for at least 12 months immediately prior to applying for divorce (not including overseas travel for holidays or business trips)
Yes. However you must satisfy one of these conditions;
You must regards Australia as your home and intend to live indefinitely in Australia
You must be an Australian citizen by birth or descent
You must be an Australian citizen by grant of citizenship
You must live in Australia and have done so for at least 12 months immediately prior to applying for divorce (not including overseas travel for holidays or business trips)
A property settlement is the process of separating your financial affairs from your spouse on a final basis, in a legally binding way. Divorce is the process of legally ending the marriage.
In Australia, you have until 12 months from the date of your divorce to finalise your property settlement. Simple Separation recommends you deal with your property settlement first before getting a divorce.
There is no requirement to be divorced in order to revert back to your maiden name.
Once you are divorced, the effect on your will depends on which state or territory you live in. In some cases, a divorce will automatically invalidate your will. In others, the divorce simply revokes your spouse as your executor or any benefit your Will left them. However this does not occur if a court application is made and the courts believe you intended to leave your former spouse a gift. In order to avoid confusion and make sure that your correct and current wishes are properly recorded, we suggest making a new Will after your divorce and obtaining legal advice.
Separation under the one roof occurs where spouses separate but continue to live in the same home. You can still apply for a divorce, however you will need to provide extra information in an affidavit to support your application. It is generally a good idea to ask a friend to write one of the affidavits. In your affidavit, you need to demonstrate that your life with your spouse changed one either of you communicated the marriage was over. At Simple Separation, we will guide you on writing an affidavit to ensure they are accepted by the court.
If you wish to apply for a divorce and you have been married for less than 2 years, you must either:
Attend a counselling session and provide a certificate to confirm you and your partner explored the possibility of reconciling the marriage.
Permission from the court (completing an affidavit). This is an option if you cannot locate where your spouse is or they refuse to go. At Simple Separation, we will guide you on writing an affidavit to ensure they are accepted by the court.
If your application for divorce is granted, the order becomes decree nisi. This means the divorce is not legally effective and binding until after one (1) month and one(1) day. After this time, the divorce order becomes a decree absolute meaning it is final and binding. The one month and one day time requirement is stipulated in the Family law Act 1975 and cannot be varied or waived.
Yes provided you have been separated for more than 12 months and were legally married, you are able to apply for a divorce on a sole application basis. You will, however, need to provide additional information to the court in order to apply and sesek permission for substituted service through a family member or friend of your spouse.
How Do I get a Divorce in Australia
We service clients all around Australia including: Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Hobart, Darwin, Geelong, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Woollongong