How to declutter your life post-separation

A separation, or divorce, often comes with a long to-do list that can be quite overwhelming – but we’re here to help!

Although this may be a tough time in your life, a separation gives you a good opportunity to start fresh and live the life you want.

We’ve put together the ultimate separation guide to help you navigate through the process. Check it out below!

Just after a separation, it’s important that your home, whether you move or stay, provides you with a safe and comfortable setting. To help make your home truly feel like yours, now is the time to declutter. Decluttering will not only relieve stress and help clean your mind, but by getting rid of things that you might not even have liked while you were together, decluttering the past will give you a new sense of freedom.

O1. The tangible decluttering

There’s no point to drag out the process, just get rid of things straight away, because if you decide to declutter down the track, you’ll have to deal with all memories once again. Start by throwing out things that belonged to your ex, because his or her stuff simply doesn't belong in your home any more.

Take a look at things that you might have owned together, or you got gifted from your ex, if these items bring back fond memories they can stay, but otherwise, let them go. Replace things that you both used while living together, such as sheets, towels, as there’s no need to constantly get reminded of your past life together.


02. The less tangible decluttering

Memories, common friends, and social media that may be less tangible, and may seem harder to declutter, but it’s possible and still important to do. Go through your social media account and unfriend, unfollow and block anyone or anything. Only follow accounts that make you feel good and unfriend people who may have been a closer friend to your ex. The same goes for friends that you used to have in common, if they were closer with your ex, then it might be worth breaking up even with them.

Your most powerful tool during this process is your mind, but it can also be the hardest one to control. Remember that it’s ok to be sad and let your emotions show when navigating through a separation. Try to remember the beautiful moments you shared and replace bad memories with new positive ones.

Decluttering may sound like a massive task in the middle of your separation, but keep it simple. Clear out the items that you no longer need, don’t make you feel good, or reflect the new life you wish to build from here.

Simple Separation is a complete Mediation and Legal information service that assists couples to legally finalise their separation from start to finish online. All legal services are provided by our preferred panel of the best independent Family Lawyers, Estate Planning Lawyers and Conveyancers who share the same philosophy - to separate simply, fairly and respectfully.


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